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Green Living 101: Simple Steps to Begin Your Eco-Friendly Journey this Earth Day

Posted on by Meg MacKay

This Earth Day, we're excited to offer tips that can ignite your green living journey. These mindful adjustments in your lifestyle can have a significant impact on the well-being of our planet and the environment that sustains us every day.
Here are four ways you can begin your green living lifestyle: 


Green Living at Home

At home, the possibilities for sustainable living are endless. From choosing eco-friendly cleaning products to conserving energy and curating a wardrobe focused on reuse, there are countless ways to make a positive impact on our planet right from your own space. One important way to ensure a green home is being a conscious consumer when it comes to cleaning your living space.


Ensuring a clean home is essential, but it's equally important to consider the products we use. Unfortunately, many common household cleaners contain harmful chemicals that pose risks to both our families and our pets. With an overwhelming amount of products available, distinguishing genuinely safe and eco-friendly options can be challenging, particularly amidst the misleading marketing tactics of some companies engaging in "greenwashing."

Fortunately, there are brands that prioritize transparency and sustainability in their products and marketing practices. One way to identify these trustworthy brands is by looking for green certifications and labels, such as EPA Safer Choice, Green Seal, Ecologo, and USDA Organic. These certifications ensure that the product is free of harmful ingredients and has been tested for safety.

Additionally, researching a company's sustainability practices can provide valuable insight into their commitment to environmental responsibility. Consider factors such as Fair Trade practices, sustainable packaging, and initiatives aimed at reducing carbon emissions. By supporting companies that prioritize sustainability, you not only make a positive impact on the environment but also encourage others to follow suit.

Choosing eco-friendly products for your home isn't just about cleanliness—it's about reducing your carbon footprint and promoting a healthier planet. Every small step towards sustainability, whether it's switching to non-toxic cleaners or supporting environmentally responsible brands, contributes to a collective effort to combat climate change and protect our ecosystems.

Green Living to Work

Given that most of us commute to work approximately five times a week, reevaluating our commuting habits with a focus on sustainability can lead to significant positive impacts.

There are many methods to reduce your carbon footprint. Options range from carpooling and utilizing public transportation to embracing electric vehicles, biking, walking, and leveraging remote work opportunities when possible.

At The Rideshare Company, we are dedicated to offering companies the advantage of carpooling solutions. This sustainable approach not only demonstrates your commitment to environmental responsibility but also fosters a sense of value, safety, and reduced stress among your employees.

Our Easy Green Carpool® program can be an employer sponsored program and offered as a fully funded benefit. The costs can be split between employee and employer, or you can leave it for employees to pay their own monthly fare. Individual commuters can form their own carpool groups and pay for their monthly fare, no employer involvement necessary.

As people share a ride, the number of vehicles on the road diminishes. Therefore, there is less traffic and congestion as well as decreased emissions of harmful pollutants. The combustion of gasoline and diesel fuels results in the production of harmful byproducts such as nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, benzene, and formaldehyde. Furthermore, vehicles release carbon dioxide, the primary human-caused greenhouse gas, further contributing to environmental concerns.

Green Living Grocery Shopping

When grocery shopping, it's crucial to be mindful of the quantity of plastic used in the packaging of the food items you purchase. Choosing items that are free from plastic packaging or are recyclable are the way to go. When participating in this, less waste and emissions are making their way into landfills, waterways and into the atmosphere.

At times, it is very difficult to find plastic free options as some foods like meat and cheese are usually wrapped in plastics. Going green where you can is what's important. Try bringing reusable bags from home. This simple yet effective solution will combat the hundreds of thousands of plastic bags going to landfills daily. If everyone made this small change, the stores would stop producing so many plastic bags. An article from the National Geographic states: “Plastic takes more than 400 years to degrade, so most of it still exists in some form. Only 12 percent has been incinerated”. This statistic is a reminder of just how serious this issue is.

An additional strategy to minimize plastic consumption during grocery shopping is to steer clear of pre-packaged goods. Numerous items in the produce section are unpackaged and can be conveniently stored in reusable bags. Moreover, opting for bulk purchases is another effective method. While certain products like milk may not be available in bulk, choosing the largest available size helps to reduce unnecessary packaging. Shopping for bulk items in smaller sizes often leads to excessive packaging waste.

Green Living at Parks and Public Spaces

Green living extends beyond individual actions—it's also about community engagement. Participating in efforts to maintain the cleanliness of local green spaces is a meaningful way to promote sustainable living. These spaces offer numerous benefits to our communities, including improved mental and physical well-being, access to fresh air, opportunities for social interaction, and environmental protection.

Taking the initiative to pick up litter and recycle whenever possible in local parks and hiking trails demonstrates a commitment to fostering a healthier and happier community. Additionally, green spaces play a crucial role in environmental preservation. They act as natural air purifiers, providing habitats for various plant and animal species, and serving as vital carbon sinks by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. By caring for our green spaces, we contribute to the overall health of our environment and ensure a better future for our planet.

Remember, even the smallest actions can make a difference when we all work together towards a more sustainable future.