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Welcoming the Walking Pad While Working from Home

Our 9 to 5s are not exactly conducive to an active lifestyle. Especially when you aren’t even leaving the house to go to work, it is easy to slip into “excessive sitting.” I’m sure we’re all familiar with the back pain that comes from sitting at a desk for most of the day. 

Working from home calls for creative ways to be productive. First came the standing desk to avoid long days of sitting still. Now, the standing desk has been elevated even higher. 

The next big trend for telecommuters: The walking pad. 

To break out of desk chair days, corporate work-from-homers are turning to casual movement with a walking pad. For the last few months, Tik Tok has been full of videos of the benefits people have found since bringing a walking pad into their routine.  

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by Isabelle Brown  |