California South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) Rule 2202
The easy commute program supports AQMD Rule 2202, air quality standards mandated by the Federal Clean Air Act by offering carpool formation through a ridematching tool. The program monitors participation, facilitates targeted marketing campaigns and provides a comprehensive customer experience all to help increase employee participation to meet your worksite’s Average Vehicle Ridership goals. Since the Employee Commute Reduction Program focuses on reducing work related vehicle trips and vehicle miles traveled to a worksite, Rideshare’s easy commute program can provide detailed impact participation and environmental impact reporting, e.g., reduced vehicle miles, vehicle trips, fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and vehicle cost savings.
We offer full corporate incentive management supporting Rule 2202 through The Rideshare Company’s easy commute program. Rideshare will work with employers to develop effective rewards and ridesharing incentives to help meet your workplace Rule 2202 Employee Reduction Commute Strategies and manage the entire process to foster continued and increased use of shared commuting options.
If your organization is looking for a turnkey solution to manage your Rule 2202 requirements, The Rideshare Company’s easy commute program makes it easy.