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World Humanitarian Day

Posted on by Isabelle Brown

Each year on August 19, we pay tribute to dedicated humanitarian workers who have been injured or lost their lives in the course of their work. We also honor all health and aid workers who continue to provide support and life-saving protection to people in need all around the world.

This year on World Humanitarian Day, the United Nations chose to focus on the global challenge for climate action. A phrase used to summarize this effort: “In the race against the climate crisis, we can’t leave anyone behind.”


To stand in solidarity with the people around the world who are vulnerable to the climate emergency, the UN has created a campaign called #TheHumanRace.

To join #TheHumanRace, you can sign up to complete 100 minutes of any activity of your choice between August 16 and August 31. This will act as a unified message to world leaders, telling them that we as a world community expect developed countries to deliver on their pledge of $100 billion annually for climate adaptation in developing countries.

As it stands, there are over 440,000 participants all over the world that have already signed up to take part in #TheHumanRace.

There are dozens of activities that count toward reaching everyone’s 100-minute goal, from yoga to windsurfing. Making a difference is available to us in the form of walking around the neighborhood, going for a hike in nature, or riding bikes with friends.

As said by Secretary-General of the UN, António Guterres: “The climate emergency is a race we are losing, but it is a race we can win.”